We are excited to have a new relocation psychologists in our team! Welcome Linda! Now it is a good time to present our team.

Suvi Hannus is an experienced professional in work and organizational psychology. Suvi’s heart beats for people and being able to support their development and well-being. Suvi’s been living in Finland, Sweden, Italy, Croatia and Indonesia. Now she lives in Spain.

Niina Mäenpää is also an experienced work and organizational psychologists. Niina gets excited when she can help people find and reach their full potential, whether it is measured as happiness, well-being or success. Niina’s been living in Finland, Sweden and Germany. Now she is living with her family in Luxembourg.

Linda Stenberg is an experienced psychologist with a diverse experience in customer facing roles spanning across healthcare and education to work life development. Linda is passionate to exploit her knowledge to support people and companies throughout transitions, whether it is about changes in the company or employee’s significant life transitions. She is from Finland, and currently she lives in Dubai with her family.